вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.


10 комментариев:

  1. Hi Katya,
    You have done great job in searching the information on the topic! I tried my hand on different links you are suggesting here but got lost. Will you agree to give a more detailed annotation to the links, activate them ( use the instruction given),please. I am sure then your post will be readable and more popular.
    Thanks for your diligence.

  2. Hi Katya. Your blog is awesome. Your work is great and information is interesting. Good of you.

    Volodymyr Petrivsky 11-A

  3. Hi Katya!
    I fully agree with Vova.
    There are a lot of useful links on your blog. But it would be better to add some pictures. Good job in general!

  4. Dear, Katya
    I agree with my classmates at all.Information is really useful, but if you put more pictures, it will make your blog less monotonous.In general everything is good.

  5. Hi!
    Thanks, your commentaries are useful and important for me. I'll take them into account.

  6. Job well done Katya! Intimidating information, well organized and good writing, awesome blog in other words.

  7. In addition, if you're interested, you can look at my improvments on the main page of the blog. I've added some pictures on the topic of my state.

  8. Hi Katia.
    Good job! Your blog is interesting for me!
    You find really useful information!
    Julia Datskova

  9. Dear, Katya!
    Thank you, for your job! Your blog is colorful and well-organized.I learnt a lot of information about Georgia on it.
    But you should add more pictures.

    Olya Aladko
