Discovering Lewis & Clark

"The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River and such Principal stream of it, as, by it's course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean... may offer the most direct and practicable water communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce."

"Left Pittsburgh this day at 11 o'clock with a party of
11 hands 7 of which are soldiers, a pilot and three young men on trial they having proposed to go with me throughout the voyage." With these words Lewis began his first journal entry.The first tribe Lewis and Clark came across was the Yankton Sioux.
The Corps of Discovery finally reached Saint Louis on September 23, 1806.
The Corps of Discovery Succeded, returning with very important information about the United States territory.

During the expedition, Lewis and Clark have passed through the states: Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South and North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

It was really exciting to read about their expedition.
Hundreds of interactive illustrations, color photos, and historic art, with in-depth text by today's leading Lewis and Clark scholars you can find visiting these sites: